Check out and ask pre purchase questions regarding our DI water systems that previous customers have asked before purchasing.

Q: I see you make a CR20 conversion kit, will this get rid of the cartridges ?
A: Yes, the conversion kits for the DIC 20 and the DW20 will eliminate the need to use the cartridge system.
Q: Can I use the same resin for a water softener?
A: DI resin is made specifically for producing DI water and should not be used for any other application.
Q: Can I use your resin in other makes of DI machines?
A: Yes absolutely, our resin is suitable for all DI machines. (Please note that we only use 100% pure virgin resin, not recycled)
Q: Can a TDS meter be installed on one of your units?
A: It’s not something we do as the small handheld TDS meter we supply is so easy and effortless to use.
Q: Your site doesn’t show the cost of shipping?
A: Shipping is free of charge for all DI products shipped within North America
Q: Where is your product made and where is it shipped from?
A: Our products are produced 100% in North America and are shipped from our own facility in North Carolina.
Q: How heavy is the unit without water inside? Approx. Weights:
A: The Pro 100 weighs 30 lb dry weight and the resin weighs 45 lb so the unit dry will be 75 lb plus the water.
The Pro 50 weighs 12 lb dry weight and the resin weighs 23 lb so the unit dry will be 35 lb plus the water.
Q: Where do I re-order the resin from?
A: You can order direct from us on our on line store and we deliver free of charge to anywhere in the USA
Q: What advantage is having the pro 100 over the pro 50 other than not refilling so often?
A: The Pro 100 holds 1 Cu Ft resin (so that is 1 complete bag) and can cope with 10 GPM, whilst the Pro 50 is half that, so 1/2 cu ft of resin with a flow rate of 5 GPM.
Q: If purchased from you is it tax exempt?
A: Yes our products are Tax Exempt
Q: Do you accept all credit cards?
A: We accept all credit cards, apart from Amex. You can also pay by PayPal
Q: What if my Credit card doesn’t work or is declined?
A: This does happen sometimes and if this happens to you don’t worry just send us an e-mail and we will send you a manual invoice to pay, which 99.9% of the time will be approved with your credit card.
Q: Does the water remain in the tank after use? Just concerned about water leaking out if the product is stored in the horizontal position.
A: Yes after use simply turn the bypass valves to the bypass position and this will prevent any water for coming out. The unit will not leak at all. 100% watertight
Q: Can you drink the water produced?
A: NO absolutely not. DI water is not fit for human consumption
Q: What is DI water
A: The best thing is to follow the link below to a website that explains this in great detail.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us by using our contact form to ask pre purchase questions regarding our DI water