When you use DI Water to rinse your boat you will not only protect the surfaces, but it will dry to a showroom shine, ready for your next use. Salt water will start to erode your investment even the stainless steel will look dull. The finished result after using our DI Water to rinse your boat is quite amazing.
Why use a DI Rinse Water system?

The Science behind DI Rinse
There are no minerals in deionized water, therefore it leaves behind no residue, spots, or stains on surfaces. For those who are not using deionized water as a primary cleanser, it is an excellent second-stage rinsing agent highly effective in removing all trace amounts of cleaning solution left behind.
Using deionized water to clean with is a relatively new method. It uses no chemicals, as they are replaced by the water.
Use DI rinse Water to rinse your boat
Using DI water to rinse your boat after washing is far better and more efficient than normal tap water. It’s also environmentally friendly due to its purity and one of the most note-worthy new trends in green cleaning.
There is a misconception about stainless steel in that it doesn’t rust or corrode when exposed to water, specifically salt water. Stainless steel can in fact rust and corrode if continuously exposed over time. Which is why washing and then rinsing with DI water after use is so important.
If you leave the salt on your boat, it will cause chalking and pitting. Crystals from the salt will scratch the gelcoat and cause abrasions to your boat. Whether it’s the fibreglass (GRP) or the other parts of the boat, the salt from the ocean is bad news for boat owners and it will destroy a new boat very quickly, leaving it full of rust and deterioration.
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